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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  May 7, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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horrors where three women were held after being held in captivity. and a great day for the dow. above 15,000 it will now close for the first time in history. >> neil: indeed. dow 15,006. not just during the market day, after the market day. man, oh, man, what a day. a day that saw stocks soaring on thoughts things might be stabilizing. not just here. good news out of europe helping. even better news out of asia. the index hitting a five-year high. propelling buying, companies outperforming in this country. nearly stenout of ten of them beating earnings expectations. but getting here wasn't easy.
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think about the nearly six years it took to get to this milestone from the last milestone. since hitting 14,000 in october october 2007. almost every conceivable calamity, and then comeback you can think of, through a bank meltdown, a housing meltdown, then a market meltdown, through stimulus that needed still more stem husband, to rescues, to a republican president, then a democratic president to a federal reserve that printed cash like it was going out of style and promises to keep the spigot open. the market's back now. many wondering if we can sustain this. we're all over it. jason wiseberg is at the dow. and steve moore on what could imperil this rally. jason, what did it today? >> well, i think we had a little scare earlier this morning about
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a bomb or supposed bombtook plae oil market a little. then just like every other negative data point or geo political headline, the mark has absorbed this year, it did the same with that and people want returns and they can't get it in banks. interest rates are zero. they have to go somewhere else, and you mentioned earlier, it took six years to get to this point, or five and a half years to get to this point. the markets were in great shape in 2008, or so we thought. the market was built on an economic house of cards, as it turned out, and today we're in much better shape, books are shored up, and as you know, neil, markets tell us where the economy is going, nowhere it's been. >> neil: when we have impressive runups like this the dow close to 15%, just a breather is in order. do you think we're going to get something like that? >> i do think we'll get a
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breather,y you're going to get the opportunity to have the breath during the summer as we do in every summer. it tends to be shrimp quite frankly, everyone is trying to will this market down. they're trying to talk themselves out of believing what is going on. and with interest rates at zero, and when you're getting return from some company that pays a dividend, you're getting paid to wait for capital appreciation, and the fact is that there's not a lot of sellers around, long-term sellers and that's why the market keeps going up. >> neil: jason, thank you very much. all those factors were driving stocks for a long time, good or ill. right? so what changed? what over the last few weeks, months, has changed to get a lot of buyers off the fence. maybe housing. right now seems to be looking better. home prices up 10-1/2%. and the federal reserve is keeping interest rates at historic lows but with the job market still not exactly out of the wood, melissa frances says
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the rally could be built on a house of cards. what too you see? >> all being driven by the fed you heard jason say a, you said it yourself. investors are forced into the market by thed and and also in the housing market by the fed and not just the individual investor. you're seeing private equity pile in. they have so much money at such a cheap rate. they don't know what to do with it. >> neil: we have been waiting for this. when do they pounce on these low interest rates and by almost any definition very, very affordable homes. >> maybe we shouldn't be asking what changed but what didn't change and that's the jobs number. they know the fed will keep the money flowing as long as inflation stays in check, which if anything we're in a disinflationary environment. not going up at all. going up at a slower rate if at all, and we're also looking at rates in the housing market driving down interest rates so people are getting in the jobs
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ping -- picture, and nothing is changing, so makes sense getting into housing and the fed is not going anywhere anytime soon. >> neil: one of the wrinkles on this was europe and we take any good news we can get out of europe. french bank report said -- a good german manufacturing report. they're not going to hell in a hand basket. think of europe and whether the market is getting ahead of itself. >> we fall into transevery once in a while and forget to talk about europe. i feel like we have been there the last couple of weeks. that, too is stat cuss foe. not getting better or not getting worse. and investors have to do something with their money, and they're staying in the market, and as long as we don't see the jobs picture improve, -- when the do leave, what happens? if they head for the exit -- then investors may head to the
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exit for the same time as well that's when things get dicey. neil: normally in the past we see markets want a boom. this market wants to balance because boom would get the fed out. they want to keep the fed still in there, and to do that you can't have the bull. >> the goldilocks jobs report. not too hot or too cold. to aggressive and a quarters will ease back. too slow, looks like the economy is stalling. just in the middle, and that's what we're seeing in the market. but don't fight the feds. >> neil: individual investors are not into this and not big believers in this, and i see in these reports that young viewers in particular, and young investors, are just not believers in stocks. >> no, they're not. they always come in at the last second right before everything
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falls. and i talked about that today, saying that hedge funds are very long and maybe there isn't an incremental buyer to push the market up higher, and the person i was interviewing said back enwe the individual investors then seedline, they can push this even higher, and they're always the last ones to be in before it goes lower. so they're on the sidelines and they're nor obvious. i'm not totally sure they get back in. nell --. neil: mel lisa, thank you very much: three minutes away? >> 53 minutes. >> neil: dvr it. just take a step back and understand what is really going on here. to melissa's point, among the thing wes havetalking about, companies beating earnings estimates, albeit lower but still boating them. inflation is still low. we didn't get into this too much but a big factor. companies flush with cash are
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spending cash on stocks. now here are the negatives. europe, despite the news from some countries today, it's still very bumpy. conservatively. foreign tensions, northeast and the european financial system implodes, and the runup in the market, sheer math tells you it's hard to sustain that. so a breather is in order. what do you think? >> by the way, if i were there i would be high-fiving you. a great day for america to see these americans' wealth rise, and to add what melissa was saying, i think the real story here, neil, is that american corporations and american companies have become lean, mean, fighting machines. it's unbelievable how eefficient they have become. when we had that terrible recession, as government was spending wildly, what did businesses do?
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they cut their expenses. they got very efficient. and you look at their balance sheets now. you know this, neil. they look very pristine, very good, and this is now paying very big dividends, and i think the explanation for it, my explanation, is that cloud of fear that has been hanging over the u.s. economy for the last two or three years, even as the economy has been recovering, gist see signs of the cloud of fear dissipating and that explains why people are getting back into the market. >> neil: i hope you're right. a couple of things worry me along the way. and we were that's way about the internet boom when all these young entrepreneurs were telling us, earnings don't matter anymore, and promised the -- i used to say even then, i'd like to see some money in the tank before i invest in this bank. that was then, this is now. very different. but one thing that worries me is revenue growth, sales growth, has actually not met expectations. if anything, more than half the companies reporting have missed
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in that regard. that's a top line number that speaks about momentum, and whether companies can sustain what is going on here. after the cuts, after everything is taken out, you have to grow your business, and revenue slowing is a sign that they can't or not yet. what do you make of it? >> well, think there's a lot of truth to what you just said. but my area of expertise is how what we're doing here in washington is affecting the market. i will say this. i have noticees in talking to business men and women who are running major companies in this country, what they're saying is they're just not as afraid of washington today as they were two years ago, three years ago, four years ago. >> neil: disagree, i'll did he ever to you because you're a genius. i read a prompter so i think i'm up on this stuff. but when i see companies finally spending their cash, they don't spend it on new plants and equipment or hiring people. they do buy back their stock, they do list of lift their dividends and their shareholders
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are their boss and more power to them. they're perfectly right in doing that but in boom periods they do all of the above. now they're just spending the cash to sort of hunker down and that good for shareholders, but longer term they are making a statement about the economic environment. >> yeah. i completely agree with that. actually, neil. the one negative in the economy, in the business conditions, is of you look at the gdp report that just came out last week, we saw consumer spendings -- going back to the shopping center but businesses are not spend only the key things that indicate future growth in employments, like factories and equipment and computers and technology. that business spending is lower than -- it crept up a little bit but not nearly as fast as we'd like, and i still think -- you know me, i'm a supply-cider. those tax increases on investments we have put in place in january explains a little bit.
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when you raise taxes on investment, businesses invest less. >> neil: would we be higher without them? >> i think we would -- i think the economy would grow much faster if we had not allowed the dividend taxes, capital gains taxes taxes taxes and small business tacks going on. but i think american companies are really, lean, efficient machines right now, and i wouldn't be surprised if the market continued to rise a little bit. >> neil: we shall see. good seeing you again. >> thank you. >> neil: ahead of blowing the whistle for all to hear tomorrow, the uncomfortable details coming out today is that heat on a former secretary of state? allen west is next. this mig get bumpy.
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>> neil: his name is gregory hix. a career diplomat and possibly the last american official to speak to ambassador christy veins before stevens and three others were killed at their diplomatic compound in libya. now he is about to tell all at a congressional hearing on benghazi scheduled for tomorrow. he describes how he tried in van to get the pentagon to scramble jets over ben georgia si, and when heside to deploy members of a special ops team to the compound he was reportedly told to stand down. james rosen, following all these developments at the state department. >> good afternoon. greg hicks is one of three witnesses we expect to see testify before the house oversight committee tomorrow. he has already told the committee that special forces personnel were ordered by hire ups in special operations command africa not to board a libyan c-130 plane that flew
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from tripoli to benghazi shortly before dawn, plane whose mission was 0 to supply reinforcements but thomas pickerring indicated in an exclusive interview on the allen comb show on fox news radio last night, such hopes of military intervention were ill founded. >> felt that nothing could have been done to relieve the initial attack. subsequent attacks took place beginning about midnight, but died out within an hour. and i think within those time frames, nothing could have been done. >> also tomorrow, we'll hear allegations that then-secretary of state hillary clinton and undersecretary of state, patrick kennedy, tried to cut the department's own counterterrorism bureau out of the chain of reporting and decisionmaking on the night of the benghazi attacks. that charge will come from mark tom son. his former boss has already
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called the charge untrue, and the state department calls it 100% false. we also expect to hear.the process that yielded the now infamous talking points delivered by susan rice on september 16th. >> neil: tomorrow, putting the spotlight on former secretary of state hillary clinton. >> the fact is we had four dead americans because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night and decide they'd go kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? >> neil: well could make a very big difference, especially for someone who could well be the democratic nominee the next go-round in 2016. with democrats circle the wagons to protect here? allen west on how he sees things. >> i think you have to be careful about playing a political game which is what you hear the other side saying about this investigation coming from the house republicans elm we
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know that without a doubt benghazi was swept under the rug to try to enable president obama to besetsful in -- successful in the 2012 election, and if they want to protect the other candidate from 2016 is dangerous. let's flip this pancake and ask the question. what if this were a republican president, what if this were a republican administration, republican secretary of state? i believe that you would hear the washington post, under times, l.a. times, chicago tribune, just really going crazy after this to include going back to the intervention in libya in the first place. so i think we all have to understand it does make a difference that an ambassador lost his life and we cannot see that as the new formal. two former navy seals were there fighting, believing. the creed of leave no man behind that someone would come to assist them and we have some 30
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survivors that we have never hear anything from. and where is the commander of u.s. africa-com who came it for retirement and we have not heard anything from him. >> neil: if it's true, in the se president lied, hi misrepresented and said it was one thing but it has proven it was another, how bad does that get? >> i think it's very bad. i think that it's a poor reflection on him as the chappedder in -- commander-in-chief to say we did everything within our resources and there were special forces that could have been deployed and aircraft out -- and weapon you just lost an ambassador, and you get on the plane and to to a fundraiser in vegas. this is something the administration and the former
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secretary of state needs to take accountability and responsibility for and give the american people the truth. >> neil: thank you very much. hearing tomorrow. fox will cover it live.
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>> neil: we told you at the outset of the show we hit a record, dow 15,000 plus. we almost wrapping up the earnings season and they come by sectors, and the latest sector, media, near and dear to us, disney out with better than expected numbers after the bell today. we focus on media companies because many look at them as a barometer of the economy that represent how interested we are in not only going to theme parks and movies-but if we have more
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interest in disposing of our disposable income, this would be the effect that would be showing up, and it did. its earnings beating expectations by 10-1/2 million. a tad higher than expect. these media companies we tend to report them not only because it's where we live but it's because, well, where you live. well, airplane repairs leaving fliers in a fix because if hiking fares don't shock you, this might. a new government report deeming the fas oversight of repair stations ineffective. repair shops couldn't account for tools or prove work done was correct. to tom kurtis on whether that will leave us safe. when i hear this, it worries me. should i be worried? >> you should be worried as a passenger. this is an example of the system perhaps having a problem that could lead to an accident later.
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now, this isn't to say that airplanes are going fall out of the sky. but in order for airplanes to remain low risk you have to have systems that work part of that is making sure the planes are repaired right and making sure the faa can oversee those people would do those airports. >> neil: aren't those demanded? these planes have gotten quite old, which doesn't mean anything. you can maintain a plane-a-it's new, but you don't want to compromise this stuff. >> absolutely not. and the way the system works, you have basically the airlines and the faa working in concert. the airlines clearly are responsible for maintaining their airplanes in a safe manner. but the faa has a very, very serious responsibility of making sure that those repairs are done well. and because of the nature of aviation today, a lot of work is done overseas, but it really doesn't matter where the repair is done, whether in iowa or
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singapore or wherever, you want to make sure at it being done right. with the right tools and right paperwork. >> neil: is one carrier safer or better at that's than others? >> well, it's hard to put is in words like that. safety means a lot of things to a lot of different people to a lot of passengers, it's safe if there are no crashes. it's safe if no one gets killed. but for people inside the industry, myself included, we don't look at the safety of the system. we look at something measurable, recollection. and in this case risk is the likelihood of something bad happening, and the level of that bad thing that could happen, and this problem that the inspector general is talking about, is increasing risk for sure. we have a system that is supposed to prevent this and it's not working right. >> neil: thank you. i hope they address that. when we come back, say it ain't snow. animes -- an immigration bill provides protection for these
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we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of tim and laura. it's amazing how appreciative people are when you tell them they could save a lot of money on their car insurance by switching to geico...they may even make you their best man. may i have the rings please? ah, helzberg diamonds. nice choice, mate. ...and now in the presence of these guests we join this loving couple. oh dear... geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. >> neil: before the markup, the blowup. since when are ski instructors key to immigration reform? believe it or not a section of the bill is dedicated to them. to byron york who fears the senate is glossing over the details in its rush to put this through. it keeps getting bigger and bigger and more bizarre. >> don't forget snowboarders, they're in there, too. it was interesting in the first
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draft of the bill that was released in mid-april there was a section that exempted snowboard skiing instructors who came to the united states to work temporarily, not to come here to live but to work temporarily. it exempted them from some of the bureaucracy. then the gang set out a substitute bill and darned if if didn't include snowboarders as well. snowboard instructors association. and they're specifically listed in this bill. so there's a lot of things like that. a lot of micromanagement of not only the immigration system but the economy as well. of you look through the agricultural section it says that fruit and vegetable sorters and graders will make 9-point 9- $9.84 an hour in years to come.
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>> neil: they throw this stuff in there and the bill gets bigger and biller and they can sneak a lot in. we're learning in the hurricane sandy aid that a lot of it is going to commercials in states to promote tourism and to promote businesses moving there. new york comes to mind. we know this stuff sneaks in. this is getting to be so big and pricey, loot more stuff could sneak in. >> right. it could come in via the amendment process. today 5:00 p.m. eastern time, this deadline for senators who are on the senate judiciary committee to file their amendmentses for the bill. i've seen a couple of senators put as many as 20 each of amendments. some may be things that conservatives want to do, like tightening border security, others may be special treatment for particular groups and particular states. neil: amazing. byron, thank you as always. >> thank you, neil. >> my friend from texas is like
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a schoolyard bully. he pushes everybody around and is losing and instate of playing the game according to the rules, he not only takes the ball home with him, but changes the rules. >> neil: not bad for a new senator. everyone piling on. cruz getting crushed again. harry reid ripping the junior senator from texas for being a bully. especially when it comes to the latest budget battle. does this pile-on mean democrats are fearful of this guy? >> what i love is that senator reid is finally admitting something that we've known, all america has known the senate acts like children. so at least they're finally admitting that. all that senator cruz wants to does abide by the rules, and that's something the senate doesn't know about because since 2007, it's done whatever harry reid wants to it be. so no wonder they're confused about the rules, which is what ted cruz wants to happen. >> neil: when i heard disparaging treatment of the other party i felt like saying,
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pot meet kettle, but that's another case. what do you think of the group phenomenon? one of the things that came through is he is dealing with this broadsides and attacks but is not shrinking from them. >> of course not. senator cruz should not. he is an attorney who knows what he is talking about and the rules are not being followed, and in this case there should be a committee that communicates with the house to get a budget put together that both can agree on. now, will tell you this looks great when senator reid says he has this much power and is push ago senators around? i guarantee senator reid and senator rand paul aren't guys that get pushed around, so i love harry reid is giving one of our freshman senators this much credit. >> neil: he didn't seem to be dissuadessed by this treatment. this is from yesterday. i want your reaction. >> a number of people have criticized me on the grounds of civility, and in particular have insulted me while doing so, and
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yet i have not and will not reciprocate. >> neil: think he's running for president? >> hearings the deal. we have people like pelosi and reid and even from the white house, saying things that are negative about a republican senator, i can go on and hear the fundraising letters being written. this is the type of leadership and action that conservatives are calling for, and senator cruz demonstrated it, senator paul with the filibuster. he could run for president but right now he just wants to do the right thing and get the rule of law back established in the united states senate. >> scotty, going seeing you again. >> thank you. >> neil: paging mr. roboto. your doctor may be replaced by a device. why are twice as many people choosing verizon
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over any other carrier? many choose us because we have the largest 4glte network. others, because of our reputation for reliability. or maybe it's because we've received jd power and associates' customer service award 4x in a row. in the end, there are countless reasons. but one choi.
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>> neil: the doctor is in. well, sort of. six hospitals nationwide are rolling out robot doctors, roving web cams can, that connect to doctors over the internet. supporters say these devices will improve care but one says it makes the hospitals look like they don't care. although you into some of the benefits. >> let's start with advantages. i if you're in your office and you have a patient in the
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neuroicu, and you want to keep an eye on them because they're sick, you can have robot, this executive vert to all attending roll in. with your ipad you can get it to look at the patient. you can talk to the patient and the patient can talk to you. sir, are you feeling okay? but it is not a doctor's visit. it's not the same thing ace a doctor's visit. and study last year, survey, looked at 1100 patients who said we want the technology but we also want the face time. you know what? when i have the face time that's when i find things out and diagnosis the difficult stuff, when i find out how my patient is really feeling. i cannot be replaced by a robot. >> neil: you hope not. i see some of the benefits if you're a hospital patient waiting for the doctor and guys like you are always busy, golfing and everything else. just kidding. but if i can get you to just sort of say, all right, you've seen any scans, how do they
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look? you look good. there's a benefit in that. if you can't make the physical trip. i don't need to see you in person to tell me that. >> i love that. of but here's the rub. under obamacare theirs more and more thrust of less face time and let's get many more patients seen in a short period of time-out. said that eloquently on the air here, which is you pay doctors less you ask them to see more patients, they get more and more restricted. what is going to happen? they're not going to give the same quality of time. now along comes a robot and they say, i got to see 50 patients today. let's have the robot see 30 of them. that interferes with quality medical care. >> neil: who is controlling this things? we're watching these things like george jet son. >> i am. you're the patient, i'm the doctor. you're there and i'm controlling it with the ipad. >> neil: leave me alone, you're scaring me. >> no joy sticks.
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just in the ipad. i can send this thing down the hall and into a room. like that idea. >> neil: but patients just been treated for cardiac arrest and this thing comes in -- >> people know the doctor visit occurs in the morning or night and it's a five or ten minute visit. you're left in the icu the rest of the day. you don't see your doctor. but it cannot replace the real back and forth. that is the art of medicine. >> neil: while i've got you here, harry reid and others said oats going to cost more than we thought. no surprise to you. you said this would be expensive. but it's looking prohibitively so. >> because of overuse. method okayed expansion is over used. the kind of insurance you can use whenever you feel like it so plenty of people who aren't sick frontload the problem. it's not extremelined and the whole idea it's going to cover preventive services and that prevent you from getting sick, that doesn't work. and when you pit plenty of
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people with preexisting conditions on, it costs a for. >> why were people surprised by this? you and i talked about this. >> neil: sounds too good to be true. it is. >> people love a freebie and love listen to, you'll be covered. up to the age of 26 on your parent's policy. nobody bothers to tell you you're paying for this comprehensive cadillac plan you don't need at the age of 26. you have to read the fine print, neil. >> neil: thank you very much. in the meantime, after the attacks, the answer? congress is holding a very big hearing. what is at stake is next. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule.
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new details are emerging about boston bombing suspect
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number one, tamerlan tsarnaev and who he have head met on the trip to dagestan. mollie has more. >> we're getting word that investigators confirmed a possible link between tamerlan tsarnaev, the older brother, who is nod deed, and a canadian jihadist who was killed by russian authorities last year. look at these two men. tamerlan tsarnaev and this man, williams plotnikov. they were both in dagestan at the same time and there's a high probability of contact between the men and they had a lot of things in common. william plotnikov was a boxer. and tamerlan tsarnaev won multiple boxing award, and plotnikov was killed in dagestan last july, shot down in a gun
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battle with russian forces. days later tamerlan left the country, but russian authorities had plotnikov on their radar by the team they brought tsarnaev to the attention of authorities. in boston, this is where people have been coming to pay their respects to the boston marathon victims. we're getting word from the mayor's office they're moving slowly north lot of details about -- towards a permanent memorial for the marathon victims victims and some items will be placed as part of the enemy'em'em. >> neil: secretary of state john kerry in russia, thanking russian president put put a for counterterrorism cooperation after the boston bombings. russia warned the united states about the older bombing suspect in 2011. my next guest wants to know what else we were told. the chairman of the house homeland security committee, michael mccall, holding a hearing on the boston bombings scheduled for thursday.
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congressman, what do you want to know about those warnings and more to the point, what do we know? >> i want to know -- he was on the radar screen of the cia, the fbi, the department of homeland security, and the fact is he got off the radar screen, and he went over seas to one of the most dangerous parts parts of te world we know is tied to al qaeda. you talked about the relationship between him and a potential terrorist. so we want to ask the hard questions, to get to the bottom of this. i as the chairman have the responsibility to the american people and the victims and their families to get to the truth in this matter, and that's what we intend to do on this committee. >> neil: congressman, one thing that stands out to me, but the delay in getting information across. the delay in finding out that a visa has been revoked before it enmakes its way to airport authorities taking in passengers, returning here. the delay in documentation that
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is accepted from one agency to another. the delay in warnings from the fbi on tamerlan, more to the point, and whether they ever reached local authorities. that is a consistent theme here. what's going on? >> again, i want to find out what happened, what went wrong and how we can prevent this in the future to protect american lives and the fact is this man was on the databases, on the travel watch list, somehow that information was not shared between the department of homeland security and the fbi. but that's what i want to find out. was that shared or not? remember, after 9/11 it was all about connecting the dots and sharing information. and here we have pointly what could have been an intelligence failure that may have resulted in three deaths and 250 people maimed. >> neil: there should have been a heads up when russia warns at a bad guy here but they had problems -- maybe we were leery.
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an enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my enemy. i guess i can understand that. how unusual was it and is it to get warnings like that? other security types have told me, chairman, that it was not unusual. there were a lot of these type of warnings. is that true and. >> i think it's very extraordinary to get a foreign intelligence communique like this. i don't think there are that many terrorist cases going on the boston area at the time. and the fact is, the russians were right on this one. i hate to say that. and we into have taken it seriously, and it was serious enough for them to put him on the watch list, so why in the world when he returns to the united states wasn't he given more scrutiny? we know when he got back he radicalized and began putting these jihaddist web sites and videos on his youtube web site. had we looked at him when he came back, we may just have
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noted third radicalization process that nine months later resulted in the greatest terror attack in 9/11. feel neil we know a former girlfriend noticed something. his wife didn't know anything. >> his wife was living in a small apartment with him, surrounded by pressure cooker bombs. hard to think she did not know what was going on. >> neil: chairman, thank you. we get hacked, they get wrist-slapped. are we doing a hack job on how we deal with china? 004. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote.
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1:56 pm
... ... this is $100,000. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much. i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally.
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ally bank. your money needs an ally. >>. >> neil: they say beggars can't be choosers, right now we are being chumps when it comes to china. weare the country that owes so anything goes. any cyber attack against a u.s. company or u.s. military installation pretty much all the time. they attack us because they don't expect squatted from us. because we owe them billions. the china figures we are in their debt and not about to risk rattling our financial sugar daddy. china needs us more wean need china. they wouldn't be in a position
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without buying so much of this we are on the deep end even as china so blatantly steals our stuff. a new pentagon report details all of this. they are into the even hiding into that, hacking into economic sectors but military computers, our defense contractor's computers so many sites so fast they are leaving a calling card. because i think china figures our bluff is whole lot worse than our bite and given all the money we owe them we are not going to say boo to them. this is the stuff that consequences should have mining and lack of response should say everything. maybe we are afraid china will take its cash and move elsewhere. i say, let's try. smarted economists say i might regret that and we'll end up paying a lot more for a lot of stuff. go ahead and force the issue!
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what do we have to lose, but our dig -- dignity. i would pay a little more than the cheap junk a then the loss of faith. all i know because we lost our cash doesn't mean we lost our backbone. we are a great country. let's start acting like one. dhel the chinese where they can get off and quit spying on us, by the way. anyway, just thinking about it and how many times have you heard this? what did the president know and when did he know it? mike huckabee is saying this democratic president won't survive this. you think these are two separate events. watergate and this has a common
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theme. and we'll end up with this president not completing his term. tonight on fbn, you don't get it? ♪ ♪ ♪ this is a fox news alert. i'm eric boling, they are missing no more. new details merging out of ohio where three women were found last night at a house in cleveland. greta van susteren is on the you ground in cleveland and join us momentarily. first, three brother's under arrest. here is how it unfolded it begin with this 911 call just before 6:00 p.m. eastern. >> i'm amanaged did a berry. >> what is going on there? >> i have been missing for ten years and i am here and i'm free


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